9 Jun 2024

Yoga and surfing: A harmonious combination

Yoga and surfing - an amazing synergy between body, mind and nature.
"You don't have to come to yoga, yoga comes to you", is the opinion of pro surfer Gerry Lopez. Surfing and yoga - In this blog post, we reveal why yoga and surfing go so well together, how they complement each other and create a holistic experience. You'll also find the best surf yoga exercises here. To prepare for your next surf trip.
Surf and yoga camp, group does yoga on surfboards on the beach
Katrin Rose-Michaelsen
Katrin Rose-Michaelsen

Katrin is the co-founder of A-Frame and has built up the entire yoga area there. She is a trained yoga and meditation teacher and a qualified sports scientist. Her interest in people and their holistic health has shaped her path from the very beginning. Her classes are characterized by detailed instruction and a pleasant balance between calm and dynamism. She wants to create a space where everyone can come into their own and develop to the maximum. In addition to the physical aspect, Katrin loves yoga philosophy and psychology and incorporates this content into her classes through meditations, journaling and short lectures. For Katrin, yoga is a holistic approach to life that goes beyond physical activity and brings mindfulness into all areas of our lives.

  • surf yoga

Definition of yoga and surfing

Yoga and surfing are not just sports, but also lifestyles that promote a deep connection to nature and your own body. Yoga, an ancient practice from India, focuses on harmonizing body, mind and spirit through breath control, meditation and physical exercises (asanas). Surfing, on the other hand, is a dynamic water sport that requires strength, endurance and balance and creates a close connection with the natural environment.

  • Yoga and surfing at sunset

Popularity of yoga among surfers

The growing popularity of yoga and surfing has led to the emergence of yoga and surf camps around the world, offering people the opportunity to practice both activities in a relaxed and inspiring environment. These camps often offer surf lessons, yoga classes, guided meditations to provide participants with a holistic experience.

Are you up for your surf & yoga vacation? Click here for our

Yoga and surfing - Why yoga makes so much sense on your surfing vacation

Although yoga and surfing developed in different cultures, the two complement each other perfectly. A regular yoga practice can be a great preparation, supplement or balance for surfing.

On the one hand, exercises such as the warrior and other standing positions or the plank provide the necessary strength and stability for surfing. On the other hand, shoulder-opening postures, hip openers (pigeon, lunge) as well as forward bends, side stretches and twisting postures help to stretch the areas of the body that are stressed when surfing. This leads to better overall mobility, which some of our surf instructors already swear by:

"When I do yoga, it feels like I'm oiling my joints. I go once a week. I especially notice it in my hips. My flexibility is simply better, and so is my surfing. I love it!" (Alex)

On the other hand, surfing allows you to deepen your yoga practice by strengthening your connection to nature and creating a state of mindfulness and presence. Immersing yourself in the element of water and challenging yourself to adapt to the waves promotes a deep connection with your own body and the environment, which supports the yogic philosophy.

Together, yoga and surfing create a unique synergy that harmonizes body, mind and soul and promotes a holistic sense of well-being. This combination is not only a great way to improve physical fitness and relieve stress, but also an opportunity to experience the beauty of nature and connect with your own inner strength.

surf yoga surfer
  • surf-yoga retreat

The benefits of yoga for surfers

Yoga can make a significant contribution to improving your surfing skills and enriching your surfing experience. Through regular yoga practice, you can increase your flexibility, balance and strength - all important factors for a successful time on the water.

Tip: At our camp, you can take part in drop-in classes almost every day. If you feel like it, you can round off your surfing experience with the right yoga exercises. Or you can book a yoga and surf trip and have the perfect combination of both every day, ideally coordinated.

But now to the benefits of yoga for surfers:

  • Yoga trains strength and balance

  • Many yoga exercises open up the hips

  • Yoga improves flexibility

  • Stretching exercises release tension

  • Meditation is said to help, focus

  • The asanas (yoga postures) in the Yoga Sun Salutation prepare you for the take-off

The advantages in detail

Improving flexibility
Yoga is known for its ability to improve flexibility and increase the mobility of muscles and joints. This is particularly beneficial for surfers, as good flexibility helps them to move smoothly on the board and react quickly to changing wave conditions.

Strengthening muscles
The various asanas (yoga poses) help to strengthen different muscle groups in the body, including the core, arms, legs and back. These strengthened muscles are crucial for surfers to develop the strength and endurance needed for paddling, standing up and maneuvering on the board.

Yoga trains strength and balance
Balance is a key component of both yoga and surfing. By practicing yoga regularly, surfers can improve their balance, which helps them to be more stable on the board and better adapt to the movements of the water. Improved balance leads to more control and confidence in the water, which improves the overall surfing experience.

Yoga improves flexibility
Stretching exercises in yoga release tension and improve flexibility, which helps surfers react and maneuver in the water.

Some yoga exercises open up the hips
So-called hip openers are of great benefit to surfers. This is because surfing requires good flexibility and suppleness in the hips to be able to move freely on the board and make the most of the waves. By practicing yoga regularly, surfers can loosen up their hips and make them more flexible, which not only improves performance on the board, but also reduces the risk of injury. Hip-opening yoga exercises such as the 'low lunge' or the 'pigeon' help to release tension and stiffness in the hips and increase flexibility. Improved hip flexibility allows surfers to turn more easily on the board, maintain balance and paddle powerfully into the waves.

Meditation for focus
Meditation in yoga helps surfers to focus and mentally prepare for their surf session, leading to improved performance on the water.

Ready for Take Off?
The asanas (yoga postures) in the yoga sun salutation prepare you for take-off by activating the muscles and improving posture.

surf-yoga power
  • surf-und-yoga retreats

How surf yoga strengthens you mentally

  • Yoga trains you to concentrate and focus

  • Yoga not only strengthens your physical balance, but also your inner balance

  • Surfing and yoga also embody the search for mental relaxation, for detachment from what occupies us in everyday life

In addition to the many physical benefits, it is above all the inner letting go and coming to terms with yourself that moves both surfers and yogis. On the board as well as on the mat, you are always in a direct confrontation with yourself.

In yoga, it is the calm breath in combination with movement, meditation and relaxation exercises that slow you down and allow you to calm down. For many surfers, in addition to improving their surfing skills, it's just "being in the water" that is addictive. Because here you simply switch off completely.

You are barefoot in both yoga and surfing. This trains your balance. The direct connection with the environment also strengthens your inner balance. You feel pleasantly grounded and strong.

Surf yoga - the 10 best yoga exercises for surfers

Get fit for surfing with these surf yoga exercises. You can also do them at home.
Just roll out your yoga mat and off you go.

1. standing positions

surf yoga exercises


In the standing positions, the feet are consciously activated.

Spread your toes as far apart as possible and push your feet powerfully into the floor. The inner and outer heels and the big and little balls of the toes are loaded evenly. This gives you strength and stability.

surf yoga exercises


In the basic mountain pose, your feet are completely together or hip-width apart and your arms are long beside your body. Stretch your arms upwards. The palms of your hands face each other. This way, you don't stretch the sides of your upper body, which shorten quickly when surfing.

surf yoga exercises


The standing forward bend opens up the entire back of your body and is a great counterbalance to the bent-back posture of lying on the plank.

2. the plank

surf-yoga exercises - plank


In the plank, the body is held like a plank. You need strength in your arms and shoulders as well as your entire upper body. Stretch your tailbone towards your heels and keep your belly button in your body to strengthen your core.

3. the downward looking dog

surf-yoga looking down dog


The downward-facing dog is a very frequently practiced position. The entire back of the body is stretched and elongated. It also builds strength throughout the body. Spread your hands out well on the mat and put even weight on them. Your buttocks stretch backwards and upwards, your thighs push backwards. Try to ground your heels. You can also do the exercise with your knees bent to stretch your back better. This is particularly helpful for shortened leg muscles.

The dog is a great starting position for lunges.

4. lunges

surf yoga lunges


In the high lunge, the downward-facing dog brings one leg between the hands. The movement and the end position are similar to standing up on a plank. It trains your balance and strength and opens up your hips. Try to keep your hips in line. The tailbone stretches long towards the heel.

surf-yoga lunges


As a variation, you can also rotate your bent leg and stretch your arm upwards. The rotation in your upper body helps you to keep your upper body flexible and open.

surf-yoga lunges


Both exercises can also be practiced with the knee up.

To switch from one side to the other, go back to dog.

5. the pigeon

surf-yoga pigeon


The pigeon is an intense hip-opening exercise. Bring one leg bent forward, the other remains extended backwards in line with your hips. Sit as low as you can and keep your hips in line. You can keep your hands up, rest your elbows on the floor or rest your entire upper body on the floor.

surf-yoga pigeon


Keep your legs active. Gently flex your front foot and press your back foot into the mat.

6. the warrior

surf-yoga the warrior


Warrior II is a strengthening and grounding standing pose that also opens up your hips through the bent front leg. Turn your front foot 90 degrees forward and bring your leg to a 90 degree angle. Make sure that your knee doesn't tilt inwards and that your bottom doesn't swing backwards. Both feet are loaded equally. Stretch your arms long to both sides. This opens up your shoulders and neck.

surf-yoga the warrior


For the peaceful warrior, turn the front palm upwards and bend backwards. The back hand rests on your leg. In this variation, the side of your upper body is opened. Make sure you keep your knee low and also stretch your tailbone down.

surf-yoga the warrior


Stretch in the other direction and place your arm on your side. The arm is stretched out next to your ear and you use it to stretch the other side of your upper body. Advanced practitioners can place their hand on the floor or a block to get even deeper into the hips.

7. the child

surf yoga kinds attitude


The child's pose is a great relaxation exercise for your entire back, whose muscles are put under a lot of strain when surfing. Let go of everything here. It may help to breathe into your back and relax it with your exhalation.

surf-yoga kinds attitude


The extended child's pose is a more active variation. The arms are stretched forward, which keeps the upper body long and the mind alert.

surf-yoga kinds attitude


The twisted version opens up the upper part of the back in particular and creates space around the shoulders and shoulder blades. A great balance after surfing. Bring your shoulders as parallel as possible and gently press the back of your hand into the floor.

8. neck

surf yoga neck stretching


When stretching your neck, be careful not to pull too hard. Your head lies in your upper arm and you transfer the weight of your head more and more to your arm. Stretch the other arm with your wrist towards the floor.

9. shoulders

surf yoga shoulders


With your hands behind your back in prayer, open your shoulders intensively. Your collarbones and the entire upper chest area are given space. Alternatively, you can grasp your upper arms with your hands. In both variations, bring your elbows first to the sides, then back and down.

10. forward bend

surf yoga forward bend


The seated forward bend is an intense stretch for the back of your legs. It also stretches your entire back. A blessing after a strenuous surf session. It's difficult to reach your feet at first. That's not a problem. Take one or two blankets and sit up higher with a strap around your feet.

surf yoga forward bend


No matter how high or low your upper body is, look down. This will bring your attention inwards and switch off internally. Connect with your breath and let it flow calmly to help you let go.

Equipment and preparation Yoga for Surf

If you decide to go for a yoga and surf session, having the right equipment and preparation is essential to get the most out of your experience. For both yoga and surfing, there are specific pieces of equipment and preparation techniques that can help you prepare for your session and make the most of it. By the way, you don't need to bring any equipment with you to our camp - all the equipment is already available for our guests. For both surfing and yoga.

Material and preparation Surfing

For surfing, you need a surfboard, a wetsuit or board shorts (depending on the water temperature), a leash and wax for your board. Choosing the right equipment depends on various factors, such as your surfing level, the wave conditions and the time of year. It is important that your surfboard is well suited to your size and surfing level. Only then will you have a good time in the water.

Before you hit the waves, you should warm up and stretch to prevent injuries and prepare your muscles for the upcoming surf session. Breathing techniques and meditation can help you to relax and mentally tune in. Also make sure to check the surf spot, i.e. check the local surf conditions and follow the instructions of the local surf instructors and lifeguards.

Material and preparation Yoga

All you need for your yoga practice is a yoga mat and comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely. It may also be advisable to take a water bottle and possibly a towel with you so that you feel fresh after your session. For example, for a power yoga or hot yoga class. Journaling can also be a helpful method to focus your thoughts.

Yoga and surfing at Aframe - your yoga camp and surf camp in Spain

Yoga is booming - and rightly so. Because yoga not only has a positive effect on your fitness, but also on your overall well-being. Especially in combination with surfing, yoga is a concentrated load of superpower. Yoga has long been popular with surfers in Hawaii - after all, yoga makes shortened muscles wonderfully supple again. No wonder yoga is now offered in numerous surf and yoga camps. You will also see our surf instructors more and more often in our yoga classes.

Wondering when we started offering yoga? Our surf and yoga camp has been around for twelve years now. In 2005, a surfer and a yogini got together and opened a surf and yoga camp in El Palmar. At the time, there wasn't a single surf camp there - let alone a yoga camp. And the combination of surfing and yoga was not yet common anyway. Nevertheless, it was clear from the outset that yoga should be an important aspect of the surf camp. Surfing and yoga simply complement each other too perfectly. There is now not only a dedicated yoga house (with a sea view!), but also daily drop-in classes, yoga retreats, yoga trips and even very special surf yoga weeks.

Spain Yoga Retreat

  • Surfing and yoga on the beach

Yoga vacation & surf trips with A-Frame

Dive into the world of yoga and surfing on our A-Frame Yoga & Surf trip, where you can improve your skills on both the surfboard and the yoga mat under the guidance of experienced instructors. Whether you're an experienced surfer or looking to ride your first waves, our surf lessons and yoga drop-in classes at the surf camp offer something for everyone.

  • yoga surf retreats spain

Yoga Retreats

In addition to our regular surf and yoga offers, we also organize various yoga retreats, which often include a surf taster course. These retreats offer the perfect opportunity to harmonize body, mind and soul and experience the magical combination of yoga and surfing. We offer many yoga retreats, such as the A-Frame Yoga & Surf Journey, the Be You Selflove Retreat, the Surf the Moment Retreat (for women only) and many more. Find out more about our current yoga trips under Yoga Retreats.

Experience the harmony of yoga and surfing at the A-Frame surf camp in El Palmar and enjoy the magical atmosphere of this place where sun, sea and waves come together. We look forward to welcoming you and experiencing unforgettable moments together on and off the waves.

Daily schedule of a surf & yoga retreat

A day on a yoga surf retreat is a perfect balance between activity and relaxation, between movement and stillness. Here is an example of a typical day that awaits you during your yoga surf trip at A-Frame Surfcamp:

Start the day with a meditation or a revitalizing yoga session with a sea view while the first rays of sunshine light up the sky. Breathe in deeply and feel the fresh sea breeze as you move through your asanas and prepare your mind for the day ahead.

Enjoy a hearty and healthy breakfast at the surf camp, which will provide you with energy for the day ahead. Take in the view of the sea from the terrace and chat with other guests about your plans for the day.

Surf course:
Get ready for an adventure on the waves of Playa El Palmar! Use the morning hours to grab a surfboard and conquer the best waves together with our surf instructors and guests. Feel the power of the ocean beneath you and let yourself be carried away by the magic of surfing. Or you can be a beginner surfer and learn the basics of surfing on the beach and in white water.

After an exciting surf session, it's time to recharge your batteries. Enjoy a delicious lunch at the surf camp and chat with other guests about your experiences on the water.

Leisure time:
Use the afternoon to relax and explore the beauty of El Palmar. Whether it's a walk on the beach, a siesta under the palm trees or a visit to a local café - find your own way to enjoy the time and gather new impressions. Or take a trip to the surrounding white Andalusian villages and explore the dreamy alleyways.

Yoga session:
End the day with a gentle yoga session to relax your body and calm your mind. Reflect on the day and prepare yourself mentally for a restful night as you move through your yoga practice and look forward to the adventures ahead.

Finish the day with a delicious 3-course dinner at the surf camp. Our chefs will do their best to spoil you with culinary delights every evening. Enjoy the time together with other participants and end the day in a cozy atmosphere while you look forward to more exciting days of yoga and surfing.

surf and yoga retreats

Nutrition tips for yoga surfers

We're not nutritionists, but we do know that a balanced diet is crucial to getting the most out of your yoga and surfing experience and providing your body with the nutrients it needs. Here are some nutrition tips that can help you prepare for your yoga and surf sessions:

Optimal foods and drinks:

  • Breakfast: Start the day with an energy-rich breakfast that will give you the energy you need for your activities. Oatmeal with fresh fruit, yoghurt (or plant-based alternatives) and nuts (or nut butter) is a good option to replenish your energy reserves.

  • Lunch: For lunch, choose light and nutritious meals that provide you with important nutrients but are not too heavy on the stomach. For example, a colorful vegetable bowl with quinoa or wholegrain rice and an extra portion of vegetables are a good choice to give you a boost after surfing.

  • Dinner: End the day with a balanced meal that provides you with protein and important nutrients. Grilled fish or tofu with steamed vegetables and a side dish of wholegrain rice or sweet potatoes is an ideal option to rejuvenate your body after an active day.

  • Snacks: Keep healthy snacks such as nuts, dried fruit or fresh fruit to hand throughout the day to keep your energy levels constant and prevent cravings.

  • Drinks: Make sure you drink enough fluids, especially on warm days. Water is the best choice to hydrate and refresh your body. Fresh smoothies or coconut water can also be a good option to replenish your electrolytes.

By the way: In our camp, we make sure that our guests eat healthy, balanced and delicious food. Fresh fruit, chia pudding and a huge selection of muesli in the morning, a varied lunch and a 3-course dinner round off your yoga and surfing vacation and make it an unforgettable dream vacation.

Tips on how you can integrate yoga and surfing into your everyday life

The combination of yoga and surfing can not only be enjoyed during a retreat at A-Frame Surfcamp, but also in your daily life. Here are some practical tips on how you can integrate yoga and surfing into your everyday life:

  1. Morning routine with yoga: Start your day with a short yoga session to activate your body and mind. A series of sun salutations or simple breathing exercises can help you start the day with calm and serenity.

  2. Surfing as a weekend activity: Use the weekend to head to the nearest surf spot and catch some waves. Combine surfing with a relaxing day at the beach and invite your friends or family to come along. For those who don't have a surf spot nearby, surfing on a standing wave or an indoor wave is an alternative. These artificial waves are a great way to improve your surfing technique and have fun in the water, even if you're far from the sea.

  3. Yoga in the evening: End your day with a relaxing yoga session to relieve stress and calm down. Gentle yoga poses and breathing exercises will help you let go of the day and prepare you for a restful night.

  4. Surfing on vacation: Plan your next vacation in a place that offers both good surfing conditions and yoga. A surf and yoga retreat at A-Frame Surfcamp in El Palmar is an ideal way to enjoy both activities and learn new skills.

By integrating yoga and surfing into your daily routine (the latter doesn't always work for landlocked surfers, of course), you can enjoy the many benefits of both activities. Whether you start your day with yoga in the morning, go surfing on vacation or regularly combine yoga and surfing - the combination of yoga and surfing offers you the opportunity to move, relax and live your passion for the ocean.

  • Yoga for surfers

Yoga - not just for surfers

Yoga isn't just great for surfers, of course. Yoga also improves your performance in sports such as windsurfing, snowboarding, skiing and rowing. And even cramped desk shoulders can benefit from a yoga exercise or two.

So grab your yoga mat, sit down and let's go! And because there's no better place for yoga than the sea, why not book a yoga and surf vacation right away?

Conclusion and summary Surf and yoga

After gaining a deep insight into the world of yoga and surfing, it is clear that both activities are not only physically challenging, but also create a deep connection to nature and to oneself. Through yoga we can improve our flexibility, strength and balance as well as calm the mind and learn to focus. While surfing connects us to the ocean waves and gives us a sense of happiness, freedom and adventure. The combination of yoga and surfing offers a unique way to harmonize body, mind and soul and develop a deeper connection to nature and to yourself.

In our A-Frame Surfcamp & Yoga Retreats you can experience this for yourself. Our instructors are happy to guide you on your journey and help you improve your surfing skills and deepen your yoga practice. Immerse yourself in the wonderful world of yoga and surfing and discover the magic that happens when you connect with the rhythm of the ocean and find your inner peace.

Are you ready to embark on this exciting journey? We invite you to join one of our A-Frame Surfcamps & Yoga Retreats and experience the beauty of yoga and surfing together with us. Come along and discover what it means to live in harmony with nature and enjoy life to the full.

We look forward to welcoming you to our surf camp & yoga retreat!

Surf yoga class at A-Frame Surfcamp

Ready for your yoga surf adventure?

Are you ready to embark on this exciting journey? We invite you to join one of our A-Frame Surfcamps & Yoga Retreats and experience the beauty of yoga and surfing together with us. Come along and discover what it means to live in harmony with nature and enjoy life to the full.

We look forward to welcoming you to our surf camp & yoga retreat!