17 Sep 2024

Surf Tarifa - Surf spots & sightseeing

Tarifa is the southernmost city on the European mainland. From here you can see as far as Africa in good weather. Tarifa is - after El Palmar ;-) - one of the coolest cities in southern Spain, because there is always something going on here. Tarifa is home to surfers & kitesurfers, small boutiques, great restaurants and cozy cafés. Best of all, Tarifa is only an hour away from El Palmar. Ideal for a visit to Tarifa on a surf-free day. A-Frame surf instructor Alex spent the whole summer in Tarifa this year. Good for you, because we asked him about his highlights and insider tips. And here they are - the best restaurants, sights, beaches and must-dos in Tarifa.
Surfing in Tarifa in the sunshine

Introduction: Surfing in Tarifa - a paradise for surfers and wind sports enthusiasts

Tarifa, located at the southernmost tip of Spain, is a real hotspot for water sports enthusiasts. Famous for its constant winds and impressive beaches, Tarifa offers a unique combination of surfing, kitesurfing and windsurfing. Although the region is primarily known for wind lovers, surfers will also find some of the best conditions in Europe here. Nearby El Palmar in particular is famous for its surf scene and excellent waves.

Thanks to its special location on the Strait of Gibraltar, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean meet in Tarifa, which makes for varied and sometimes spectacular surfing conditions. Especially in the fall and winter months, when strong swells from the Atlantic hit the coast, surfers also get their money's worth. Mostly, however, the strong wind attracts windsurfers and kitesurfers from all over the world, making Tarifa a versatile surfer's paradise.

Die besten Surfspots in und um Tarifa

Tarifa is not only a mecca for windsurfers and kitesurfers, but also a great place for surfers. With its diverse beaches, the region offers varied surfing conditions that suit both beginners and advanced surfers. Here are the best surf spots in and around Tarifa


The best surf spots in Tarifa

Playa de Los Lances - surfing directly in Tarifa

Playa de Los Lances is the largest and most famous beach if you want to surf in Tarifa. It stretches over several kilometers and offers good conditions for surfers, especially in winter. The wide, open beach catches swells from the Atlantic well, and with the right swell you can expect clean, long waves here. In the summer months, however, the wind can pick up considerably, making Los Lances a hotspot for windsurfers and kitesurfers. For surfers, the best time is in fall and winter, when the wind dies down and the waves get higher.

Playa Chica & the town beach of Tarifa

Aon the first day of Levante, when there is nowhere to surf, it is worthwhile for kitesurfers and windsurfers to check out Playa Chica and the town beach. These are the only surf spots that work. If you want to surf, you have a chance of catching some nice waves when switching from Poniente to Levante.

Playa de El Balneario - surfing at the gateway to the Mediterranean

Playa de El Balneario, right next to Isla de Las Palomas, is another fantastic spot for surfing in Tarifa. Here, where the Atlantic meets the Mediterranean, you can experience particularly powerful waves that unfold best in larger swells. El Balneario is less susceptible to wind than other beaches in Tarifa, which makes it particularly popular with surfers. Experienced surfers in particular appreciate the powerful, hollow-breaking waves, which are often steeper than at other spots in the region.

Playa de Valdevaqueros - wind sports mecca with occasional waves

Valdevaqueros, around 10 kilometers west of Tarifa, is primarily known as a windsurfing and kitesurfing spot. However, you can also occasionally find good waves here, especially in winter and on days with less wind. The beach offers a spectacular landscape with sand dunes and a wide bay, making it a popular destination for water sports enthusiasts. Although the waves are not as consistent as at the other spots, it is still worth getting your surfboard out here if the conditions are right.

Tip: There is a bar near the beach called Tumbao, which loosely translated means "to lie down". The name says it all: the green lawn is a great place to hang out, watch kitesurfers and enjoy cocktails. The music is also usually good and there are burgers and other grilled food to keep hunger at bay. You can easily spend the whole day here - especially if you fancy something more relaxed.

Tarifa Surfen
Der wundervolle Beachbreak von El Palmar befindet sich unweit von Tarifa und bietet gerade Wellenreitern hervorragende Wellen.

El Palmar - The perfect surf spot outside Tarifa

Only around 45 minutes from Tarifa is El Palmar, a surf spot that has established itself as an insider tip for surfers in recent years. Not without reason, as El Palmar is a real wave magnet. Away from the often windswept Tarifa, you will find calmer water and first-class waves here - ideal for anyone who wants to concentrate fully on surfing. You can also enjoy the many surf spots in the immediate vicinity of El Palmar.

Why El Palmar is ideal for surfers

El Palmar offers what many surfers dream of: an 8 km long beach break that guarantees beautiful waves almost all year round. The spot is particularly popular with beginners and advanced surfers, as the waves here come in different levels of difficulty. Unlike Tarifa, where the wind often dominates, El Palmar offers significantly more days with perfect conditions for pure surfing. Due to its sheltered location, the wind is weaker here and the waves can build up more cleanly and evenly - ideal for long sessions in the water. But of course, Levante or Poniente can also blow here. For such days, there are wonderful alternative spots such as Barbate or Cañon de Meca nearby. For more information, take a look at surf spots.

In addition, the vibe in El Palmar is relaxed. Surfers dominate the coastal town (apart from the height of summer, when it is mainly Spanish bathers who stay here. But then there are no decent waves in El Palmar anyway), there are a few surf stores and restaurants, a supermarket and, of course, a few surf camps.

Surfing conditions in El Palmar

In El Palmar, you'll find the best waves in fall and winter. This is when powerful Atlantic swells reach the coast. During this time, you can look forward to medium to large waves that usually break cleanly. There are always good surfing conditions in spring too, although the waves are often a little smaller then. The temperatures are already quite summery. The wind plays a less dominant role in El Palmar than in Tarifa. This means that you have ideal conditions for relaxed surfing here on more days without being affected by strong gusts. Nevertheless, the Levante and the Ponitente can still really blow here.

Tarifa Surfing in El Palmar

The A-Frame Surfcamp & Yoga Retreats

A highlight for anyone who wants to surf in El Palmar is the A-Frame Surfcamp & Yoga Retreats. In addition to surfing, we place great emphasis on relaxation and community. After a wonderful day in the water, you can enjoy the relaxed atmosphere at the camp, chat with other surfers or simply end the day with good food and a breathtaking sunset. The camp is not just a place to learn, but also an oasis of calm where you can experience the surfing lifestyle to the full.

Whether you come to El Palmar for the perfect waves or to make new friends and experiences at the A-Frame surf camp - your surf trip will be an unforgettable experience here.

Accommodation at Tarifa surf camp

Beautiful accommodation

At A-Frame you stay in delightful accommodation. From a casa with its own garden to a chalet with a pool to a cozy studio, everything is available. You are guaranteed to feel at home. Although meals are usually included, each accommodation has a fully equipped kitchen and a washing machine. This is a big plus, especially for guests with children.

Catering for Tarifa surfing

Fantastic food

If there's one thing our guests always praise, it's the excellent food. Our chefs attach great importance to fresh ingredients and a certain sophistication. With us, you can look forward to a gigantic breakfast selection, a delicious lunch buffet and a truly fantastic three-course dinner.

Tarifa Surfing Beginners

Professional surf courses

With professional surf courses led by experienced coaches, you can surf your first waves as a beginner or improve your technique as an advanced surfer. At A-Frame, we offer surf courses that are individually tailored to your ability and goals so that you can make significant progress in a short space of time. Each surf course also includes a video analysis, surf theory and surf photos of you on request.

Yoga class between the Tarifa surfing

Yoga in your own yoga house

In between surf sessions, our guests can take part in open drop-in classes in our own yoga house. Here you can listen to the birds and the waves while you practice the different asanas on your mat. We also offer several yoga retreats and surf yoga retreats.

Surfing in Tarifa at a surf camp with a sea view

Surf camp by the sea

The heart of the surf camp is the terrace with a sea view. Here you can check out the waves with your first coffee, watch the surfers all day long or enjoy a book with a sea view. The sun sets over the sea here for dinner. We couldn't imagine a more beautiful place.

Surfing in Tarifa at the A-Frame surf camp

Relaxed atmosphere

With us, the guests are king. Our professional and friendly A-Frame team is already looking forward to being part of your unforgettable dream vacation full of waves, sun and magical moments of happiness.

Surf camp terrace for surfing in Tarifa

Living directly at the surf spot? A-Frame Surfcamp in El Palmar

If you want to surf near Tarifa, El Palmar is the place for you. At the A-Frame surf camp, you live right on the beach and have the waves in front of you all day long. Food with a sea view, first-class surf lessons and a yoga session in between? You get all that here.

Best time to go surfing in Tarifa and El Palmar

We've already talked briefly about the weather and wind above, but here's a summary. You can surf here all year round. The regions of Tarifa and El Palmar offer good conditions for surfing, kitesurfing and windsurfing all year round. Tarifa is more exciting for wind sports enthusiasts and El Palmar for surfers. The best time for constant swell and clean waves is fall and winter. During these months, Atlantic storms create powerful waves that roll onto the coast while the temperatures are still pleasantly mild.

Spring, fall and winter - the best time for surfing

The waves are most reliable from October to April and the surfing conditions in Tarifa and El Palmar are ideal. During this time, the storms over the Atlantic bring larger swells, which ensure consistent, powerful waves on the southern Spanish coast. El Palmar in particular benefits from the fall and winter waves, as the wind is often less strong here than in Tarifa, which ensures clean and consistent waves. It is also worth exploring the surf spots in Tarifa in winter, as the wind often dies down in the colder months and makes surfing more pleasant.

Surfing calendar for surfing in Tarifa and El Palmar

Wind conditions

If you want to surf in Tarifa, you should know two winds: Levante and Poniente. Because you'll have to deal with both of them if you want to surf on the Costa de la Luz.

Levante is the warm east wind: when the palm trees bend in the wind and the streets and the view of Africa are a blur, it's probably Levante in Tarifa. The Levante is a real natural giant that has a strong influence on life in Tarifa. When it arrives, you can feel it immediately: the air becomes warm and dry, the sky seems clearer and the strong east wind blows everywhere. It often blows continuously for days on end and can reach speeds of up to 100 km/h in the narrow Strait of Gibraltar. What is particularly striking is how it changes Tarifa - the streets become emptier, the trees bend and the sound of the wind is omnipresent.

For windsurfers and kitesurfers, the Levante is a real dream because it brings with it the perfect conditions. Perfect if you want to surf in Tarifa. For surfers, on the other hand, it can be challenging because the wind whips up the waves and makes the water choppier. But despite its power, the Levante also has something fascinating about it - it gives the city a special energy that you can literally feel.

The Poniente is the gentler brother of the Levante and blows as a westerly wind from the Atlantic towards the Mediterranean. In contrast to the hot, dry Levante, the Poniente brings a fresh, cooler breeze that makes the weather in Tarifa much more pleasant. When the Poniente blows, you usually experience clear, sunny days and calmer waters. Africa is now clearly visible. Temperatures are more moderate and the air feels humid and fresh, which is a welcome cool-down after hot Levante days.

For surfers, especially surfers, the Poniente is a welcome change. It provides more consistent, cleaner waves that are easier to surf. Windsurfers and kitesurfers also get their money's worth when the Poniente blows with moderate winds, but without the extreme gusts of the Levante. Overall, the Poniente creates a relaxed atmosphere in Tarifa - the perfect time to enjoy the waves or simply feel the pleasant breeze on the beach.

Windsurfen in Tarifa

Equipment and tips for surfers in Tarifa

Wetsuit recommendations and necessary equipment

Even though Andalusia is a sunny destination, you should make sure you have the right wetsuit for surfing in Tarifa and El Palmar. In fall and winter, the water temperatures are relatively cool at around 15-18 °C, so a 4/3 mm wetsuit is ideal to keep you warm. In spring and summer, a 3/2 mm wetsuit or simply board shorts or a shorty is often enough. In September and October, it can still be quite warm, so board shorts are sometimes still sufficient. In addition to the wetsuit, you should choose a surfboard that suits your ability and the local conditions depending on the wave conditions - slightly larger boards with more volume are recommended for the powerful winter waves. You can find surf stores with rental stores in both Tarifa and El Palmar. Tarifa is mainly home to surf stores for kitesurfers and windsurfers. In El Palmar, you will find surf stores that are designed for surfers.

Tarifa old town

Tarifa's old town impresses with its winding alleyways, small bars, restaurants and boutiques. You can easily lose yourself there for half a day or a whole day. Here are our highlights in the old town of Tarifa.

Tip: Some stores are closed during the siesta (approx. 2-5:30 pm).

Recommendations Tarifa Old Town

The best ice cream in Tarifa
You enter the old town of Tarifa through the so-called "Puerta de Jerez". On the left behind the archway, you will find our first insider tip: this is where you will find really delicious homemade ice cream - according to Alex and his girlfriend Ana, the best ice cream in Tarifa.

Cakes and cupcakes
A little further down the street, the sweet smell of cakes and sweets will fill your nose. This emanates from the traditional confectionery and pasteleria "La Tarifena". Delicious cakes and sweets have been made here for over 60 years. The pretty and sweet delicacies are piled up in the store window and display cabinets. They are perfect for a little snack or as a gift to take home. If you don't get weak here, it's your own fault.

Shopping in the old town
If you like shopping, you're sure to find what you're looking for in Tarifa's old town. You won't find chains such as H&M or Zara here, but you will find numerous individual boutiques with modern but also unusual clothing, jewelry, handicrafts and home accessories.

Bars & Restaurants
The further you go down the street, the deeper you work your way into Tarifa's gastronomic offerings. You will find typical Andalusian restaurants and many bars in the romantic winding streets of the old town. You can find our restaurant tips below. However, we can already reveal that the restaurants "El Lola" and "Picnic" are our favorites in the old town of Tarifa.

Plaza Miramar - view of Africa
If you don't feel like stopping for a bite to eat, grab a coffee to go or a tart from the pasteleria "La Tarifena" and sit down in the "Plaza Miramar". The small garden is located on the old city walls of Tarifa. Here you will find palm trees and benches to relax on. Best of all: you have a wonderful view of Morocco from here!

View from Plaza Miramar. Sea and mountains. View as far as Africa.
From Plaza Miramar you can see all the way to Africa!

Tarifa old town photos

La Tarifena Pasteleria, cakes and cookies

La Tarifena

Do you have a sweet tooth? In the pasteleria "La Tarifena" you will find Tarifa's most delicious cakes, tarts and other sweet treats. Photo: Franziska Thomas

Pasteleria “La Tarifena”

Pasteleria La Tarifena

In the pasteleria "La Tarifena", the furnishings are also really pretty. Photo: Laura Bauer

Tarifa old town

Old town

Narrow alleyways, old buildings and small stores are what make Tarifa's old town so charming.

Tarifa road


The further down the street you go, the deeper you work your way into Tarifa's gastronomic offerings.

Isla de las Palomas - Europe's southernmost point

Welcome to the southernmost tip of Europe! The Isla de las Palomas (or Isla de Tarifa) is the southernmost point of the European mainland. You don't need a boat to get to the island. You can easily reach the island on foot, as a causeway connects it to the mainland (the so-called Punta de Tarifa). There is an old military fortress on the Isla de las Palomas, which can only be visited by appointment. But that is not what is really interesting. Rather, it is the location that makes the Isla de las Palomas so special. Because here, at the southernmost point of Europe, on the Strait of Gibraltar, the two oceans, the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, merge. So you have the Atlantic on your right and the Mediterranean on your left - with a view of Africa. Pretty awesome, isn't it?

Fancy a walk to the southernmost point of mainland Europe?
Fancy a walk to the southernmost point of mainland Europe?

Castillo de Guzman el Bueno

If you are already on your way to Isla de las Palomas, you can also stop by the Castillo de Guzman el Bueno. The castle is located on a promontory and practically towers over Tarifa. From here, you have a magnificent view over the Strait of Gibraltar. In the past, the castle was used as a bulwark against pirate attacks and later as barracks for the Spanish-British troops. Today, you can visit the Castillo de Guzman el Bueno and even book guided tours.

Flanieren an der Strandpromenade - Paseo Maritimo

Spaziergang am Meer gefällig? Der Paseo Marítimo ist die Strandpromenade von Tarifa. Diese eignet sich bestens zum Flanieren oder um mit dem Skateboard oder Longboard zu fahren. Entlang der Promenade findest du einige Strandbars und Clubs. Bei schönem Wetter kannst du hier den Sonnenuntergang genießen oder einfach das bunte Treiben der Strandbesucher beobachten. Im Winter ist es am Paseo Marítimo eher ruhig. Am südlichen Ende der Promenade erreichst du den Playa Chica, von wo du einen schönen Blick auf Marokko bzw. auf die Straße von Gibraltar hast.

Stroll along the Paseo Maritima after surfing in Tarifa
Wonderful walk by the sea on the Paseo Maritimo. A short stop for a swim at the city beach (bottom left) promises to cool you down.

Tarifa beach - Playa Chica

Playa Chica is located on the Mediterranean side. The sea at this beach is fascinatingly blue and clear! Although there are virtually no waves, you can snorkel or paddle a SUP here. Playa Chica has its very own flair, as you will hardly see any tourists here. Instead, you can roll out your towel next to the locals ;-) Interestingly, the water here is always a few degrees colder than on the Atlantic side.

tarifa beach playa chica
From Playa Chica, Africa seems close enough to touch...
Tarifa Surfing, Surfer

Fancy surfing too?

Experience unforgettable wave adventures with the A-Frame surf camp in El Palmar, near Tarifa!

Our offer: accommodation, meals, surf course

Shopping - Surf stores in Tarifa

Tarifa is the stronghold of kitesurfers. It goes without saying that there are also corresponding stores here. Are you looking for a wetsuit, board shorts, a surfboard or fins? No matter what you are looking for, in Tarifa's numerous surf stores you will find everything you need for surfing, kitesurfing or windsurfing - or the latest surf fashion.

Whale Watching Tarifa

April to October is whale season. During this time, you can watch whales and dolphins in the Strait of Gibraltar. The foundation firmm in Tarifa organizes so-called whale-watching tours. Unlike many other providers in Tarifa, firmm (Foundation for Information and Research on Marine Mammals) is actively committed to the protection of whales and dolphins and therefore also the marine habitat. Before each trip, all participants are first given comprehensive information about the habitat and the protection of the animals. The team also provides important and exciting information about the marine mammals during the expedition. Incidentally, A-Frame guests receive a 10% discount on a whale-watching tour.

Group of dolphins on a tour with firmm.
A group of dolphins on a tour with firmm. Image source: firmm

Day trip to Tangier Morocco

A quick trip to Africa? Morocco seems close enough to touch from Tarifa - as if you could swim across quickly. And indeed, Morocco is only 14 kilometers away from Tarifa. A bit far to swim, but what's the ferry for... Several FRS high-speed ferries depart daily from Tarifa to Tangier in Morocco. The ferry crosses the Strait of Gibraltar in just under 45 minutes and you're already in Africa. A day trip from Tarifa to Tangier is therefore not at all unusual. If you've never been to Morocco before, you can take the opportunity for a short trip in Tarifa.

Tip: Don't forget your passport. If you are traveling in a guided group, an identity card is often sufficient.

Medina Tangier
A Tarifa Tangier day trip can be used for shopping, among other things. For example, you can buy the famous tajines at the markets.

The best Tarifa restaurants

Tarifa has many good restaurants, bars and cafés. Here are our three favorite restaurants:

Restaurant and bar Picnic Tarifa

The Restaurant Picnic is located in the old town of Tarifa. Everything is just right here. The team is welcoming and the food is excellent: tapas, octopus, steak or tuna - everything is delicious and beautifully presented. If you like tapas, you have to try the patatas bravas! In addition to the delicious food, the wine here is also very good.

Picnic Tarifa
Picnic Tarifa Source: Tripadviser

Surla - breakfast, lunch or dinner

Surfers are always hungry. It's a good thing that Tarifa has the Surla restaurant. Because there is always good food here! The restaurant is located directly on the Paseo Maritimo and is the favorite place of surf instructor Alex and his girlfriend Ana (dog Frida likes it too). Whether it's breakfast, lunch or sushi for dinner - they could spend the whole day here. In their opinion, the most remarkable thing is breakfast: they have chia pudding, acai bowls and various egg variations. They also serve incredibly good coffee, smoothies and other healthy shakes. The cool thing is that you can also eat typical Spanish tostadas there, so there's something for everyone. Surla places great value on high-quality ingredients and the price is more than ok for the quality. For lunch there are woks and pasta dishes, in the evening Surla turns into a sushi restaurant (according to Alex, the best sushi in the area!). Surla is open all year round - with the exception of February. In the evening, the restaurant is only open in the high season (June to October). The restaurant itself is very lovingly decorated, making you feel at home and happy to stay longer.

Food from Surla
Breakfast, lunch or sushi in the evening - it always tastes good here! Image source: Surla

El Lola

The Restaurant El Lola is actually a typical Andalusian tapas restaurant. But only "actually". The tapas there have a modern twist and there are many tuna dishes such as sashimi, tataki or tartar de atun. These are particularly recommended as the fish is caught locally and has a long tradition and is also certified. Our favorite, the ensaladilla de langostinos or the calamares fritos are perfect for sharing and tasting. The restaurant and terrace are always full in high season. Nevertheless, it is not possible to reserve a table in advance. As the restaurant is located in the old town, waiting to eat is often entertaining - musicians often play in the square in front of El Lola. The service staff are very friendly and funny. Somehow you feel like you've been invited to a friend's house for dinner.

El Lola Steaks and Chips

Sunset at the Waves Beach Bar

The Waves Beach Bar Tarifa is located directly on the beach. Here you can sit comfortably, eat fish or sip a cocktail while watching the sunset. The Waves Beach Bar often hosts parties (until 2 a.m.).

Magnificent view of the sea from the Waves Beach Bar Tarifa.
Magnificent view of the sea from the Waves Beach Bar Tarifa... Photos: Instagram /wavesbeachbartarifa

Drinking coffee at the Chiringuito Lounge-Beach Restaurant Tarifa

The Chiringuito Lounge-Beach Restaurant Tarifa is something for romantics. It is located in Tarifa, at the entrance to the Isla de las Palomas - right on the beach. The restaurant is a little more upmarket, but you can also just have a coffee. The best way to do this is to make yourself comfortable outside on the wonderful terrace and enjoy the sun. The food and wine are said to be excellent - but we haven't been there for dinner ourselves. The restaurant clearly stands out for its view. Coffee with a view of the sea or dinner in the sunset - whatever the weather. Because if it's too uncomfortable outside, the restaurant offers panoramic glazing for uninterrupted views of the Atlantic. Wonderful!

Breathtaking views and really good coffee at the Chiringuito Lounge-Beach Restaurant Tarifa.
Breathtaking views and really good coffee at the Chiringuito Lounge-Beach Restaurant Tarifa. Photo source: Chiringuito Lounge-Beach Restaurant Tarifa (Tripadviser)

Duna de Bolonia

On the way to or from Tarifa, you should definitely make a stop at the dune of Bolonia. The dune offers a magnificent view over the Playa de Bolonia on the Costa de la Luz. Weather permitting, you can watch kitesurfers, windsurfers and surfers from above. Three colors come together here: blue sea, green vegetation and white sand. If you have a little more time, you can take a short hike to the Piscinas naturales (natural pools) and Baelo Claudia (a Roman archaeological site).

Grandiose play of colors on the Duna da Bolonia
Grandiose play of colors on the Duna da Bolonia

Even more sights in Andalusia

Would you like more tips on the sights around El Palmar? Then read our article about the best sights in Andalusia or our guides about must-sees in Vejer de la Frontera and Conil de la Frontera. You can find more tips under Activities and Location & surroundings. For all those who are in El Palmar with children, our guide for families and surfing vacations is sure to be exciting.

Fazit: Surfen in Tarifa und El Palmar – Der perfekte Mix aus Abenteuer und Entspannung

Surfen in Tarifa und El Palmar bietet dir das Beste aus zwei Welten: Adrenalingeladenes Abenteuer und entspannte Surf-Vibes. In Tarifa erwarten dich Wind, Wellen und die einzigartige Energie der Meerenge von Gibraltar, wo der Wind oft dominiert und für Action sorgt. Vor allem Windsurfer und Kitesurfer kommen hier voll auf ihre Kosten, aber auch Wellenreiter finden ab und an Spots, die bei den richtigen Bedingungen erstklassig sind.

El Palmar hingegen ist das Surf-Mekka schlechthin. Wellenreiter finden hier erstklassige Wellen und einen entspannten Vibe. Hier kannst du in den cleanen Wellen des Atlantiks surfen, ohne dich mit dem starken Wind, wie er in Tarifa pustet, auseinandersetzen zu müssen. Es ist der ideale Ort, um abzuschalten, die Natur zu genießen und sich voll auf das Wellenreiten zu konzentrieren. Das A-Frame Surfcamp in El Palmar kombiniert professionelle Surfkurse mit einer entspannten Atmosphäre und wundervollen Yoga Klassen und schafft so den perfekten Rahmen für einen unvergesslichen Surfurlaub.

Egal, ob du den windumtosten Nervenkitzel in Tarifa suchst oder die entspannte Surfkultur in El Palmar genießen möchtest – beide Orte bieten dir einzigartige Erlebnisse und machen Andalusien zu einem Paradies für Surfer.

  • surfing andalusia

Fancy a vacation?

Come to us at the A-Frame surf camp and yoga retreat!

  • Live right on the beach: One accommodation is right on the beach, the other in a green oasis near the beach.

  • Surf with experienced surf instructors: No matter what level - you can improve your surfing skills with us from September to June.

  • Relax with yoga by the sea: The beautiful yoga house offers you a fantastic view of the Atlantic Ocean during your yoga session.

  • Beach breaks with empty line-ups: In El Palmar, you can expect perfect conditions for learning to surf almost all year round.

  • Experience a day trip to Tarifa: Discover the southernmost tip of Europe and enjoy the hustle and bustle of Tarifa.